This is a tutorial walking through the basic functionality of the smote function of this package which implements the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling TEchnique (SMOTE) (Chawla et al., 2002).

This technique is useful when the accuracy of a statistical model is low due to class imbalances. For example, when fitting a model on an outcome variable with 2 classes and one class has 10 items and the other 90 items, then a model can score very well by always predicting a sample to be in the biggest class. These biggest and smallest classes are respectively known as the majority and minority class.

The idea of SMOTE is to fix the class imbalance by generating random points in between points in the minority group. This will be shown below in more detail.

In between

In the first part of this tutorial, a few random points in a minority class are generated. Next, we plot these points, generate a few synthetic (new) points and show that the synthetic points lay between the original points.

    using CairoMakie
    using DataFrames
    using Resample
    using StableRNGs: StableRNG

Let's start by generating some random data:

df = let
    rng = StableRNG(2)
    DataFrame(; A=rand(rng, 4), B=rand(rng, 4))
1 0.975324 0.421822
2 0.128897 0.394399
3 0.527714 0.849473
4 0.867262 0.929645

Which looks as follows when plotted:

To generate new synthetic points (new_points), we use the smote function from this package:

new_data = let
    rng = StableRNG(1)
    new_points = smote(rng, df, 4)
1 0.338128 0.546072
2 0.892834 0.809474
3 0.969836 0.447614
4 0.349973 0.64666

Plotting these 2-dimensional points with the synthetic points looks as follows:

where the dashed lines are straight lines in between all the points. As expected, the synthetic points lay in between the minority points.

Next, we do this for a point cloud.


When doing this for many points, we will see that the cloud of points gets thicker due when the synthetic points are added. In the first part of this tutorial, we passed the data as a DataFrame (or any other Tables.istable object), but we can also pass a matrix:

mat = randn(2, 400) .* 100
2×400 Matrix{Float64}:
   -9.24884   42.416   107.225   198.61    …  163.558     30.6655  -31.9358  46.8046
 -183.394    -56.0835  -71.0079  -40.0269      -7.91094  138.941   -30.1962  15.9629

which looks as follows when plotted:

Now, we can generate a bunch of synthetic data:

new_mat = smote(mat, 300)
2×300 Matrix{Float64}:
 102.331   -0.386574    51.8594  -40.1784  …  114.752   -58.337   -45.6469  106.402
 -89.1872  -1.46835   -160.438   -96.9686     -55.4952   77.5844   29.8038   77.2466

which looks as follows: